Blog — Knitatude


Small Biz Tips

25 Steps to Publishing a Knitwear Pattern

Small Biz TipsChantal Miyagishima3 Comments

I always have to giggle when I hear people mentioning that pattern writing is easy and how it can quickly be done. I think even think as designers we forget half the stuff we do to make our patterns a success. So I thought it would be fun to put a list together of just a “few” thangs we designers do to not only create the perfect pattern, but make sure it’s a hit!

5 Quick Tips to Going with the Flow of Knitwear Design - The Bombshell Crop Top: Collab with KenYarn

Knitting, Small Biz TipsChantal Miyagishima1 Comment

Back in April-ish of last year, Jake from KenYarn sent me a message asking if I would like to do a collab with his company and his hand dyed yarn. I immediately said yes, and that’s where the Bombshell Crop Top came from.

"Where didya get those pom poms?" A Quick Guide to Asking for Suppliers

Small Biz TipsChantal MiyagishimaComment

You're ready to take the leap, start your own biz, or maybe you're scrolling through your social media feed and really like something that someone just posted. You want to know where they got that yarn, those pom poms, those materials, etc so you head to comment section, start typing and... LET ME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE! 

Let's hit the pause button and I'll let you in on a secret: