Our Story — Knitatude


Knitting with Attitude

Our Story

Knitatude was born in January of 2012 out of a love of learning how to knit but never came into fruition until April 2013.  It started with the search of that ever eluding infinity scarf, to the picking up a set of needles, a hell of a lot of swearing and very large bunch of supportive friends. Knitting began as a hobby and has now become what you see here today: Beautiful knits and a sassy chick with ever changing hair.

Designs with the Maker in Mind

Knitatude is all about knitwear design meant for the “beginner friendly” knitter. Based on simple elegant lines and basic stitches, each pattern is written to lend to a knitting newbie wanting to explore and expand their knitting skills.

Don’t be afraid to try out a new pattern! Each one is equipped to help you along the way, and hold your hand in the hard parts with those added details that will set your mind at ease.


Knitwear design for the garment newbie.
— Anonymous

Chantal is a 30 year old self taught knitter from Calgary Alberta, Canada. Born in the frigid - 30 degree weather "being warm" has never been a thing for this lady. You can usually find her wearing the largest oversized knit sweater she can find with fleece lined tights, knee high socks and an infinity scarf wrapped around her neck. Basically if you picture the average "fall fashion" Pinterest chick you've got Chantal - just add 20 more pounds and some bright ass purple hair.